Shirley Desai
Author, Strategic Marketing Consultant, and Media Entrepreneur
About Shirley Desai
Shirley is an author, speaker, brand marketing consultant, and entrepreneur. She has developed a unique marketing framework to help businesses connect more emotionally to their customers based on the ancient principles of Yoga and the 7 Chakras.
She believes in…
“Building Brands that Inspire Emotion”
Customer Analysis & Training
Shirley Desai & Team

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This book offers readers a powerful model for decision making that is not only intuitive but also enjoyable. The 7 Connections introduces the ancient 4,000 year-old chakra system from India for use in facing modern-life decisions. The 7 chakras is a spiritually based energy system that is an integral aspect of yoga teachings. Each chakra corresponds to unique patterns of thoughts, feelings and behavioral tendencies.
As a marketing consultant and keen observer of human behavior, Desai converts this traditionally niche topic into a guide that is accessible and easy to understand for all readers.
Sneak Peak at the 7 Chakras
The Root Chakra detects fear and guides us to safety.
The Second Chakra focuses on excitement, change and enjoyment of sensory pleasure.
The Third Chakra helps to shape our self-identity, values and place in the world.
The Heart Chakra is the seat of our emotions allowing us to love and feel a deep connection to truth.
The Fifth Chakra guides our creativity and self-expression.
The Sixth Chakra focuses on logical, rational thinking as well as intuition.
The Crown Chakra (while in spiritual practice is associated with highest levels of enlightenment) has traces into daily life for people in seeking greater meaning and purpose.
What people are saying…
“Desai’s work is well written and honest. While reading the book, one can’t help but feel more connected to oneself. The mind-body connection and principles behind the chakras are well articulated. An interesting read!”
“This easy-to-use guide will help readers achieve more success and fulfillment in their personal as well as professional lives by bringing yoga out of the studio and into the boardroom.”
“I was impressed with the presentation, which included insets, quotes, questions for he reader to ponder, chapter summaries and amusing cartoons appropriate to each chakra. I enjoyed reading this book, and I think that you will too.This is a book to be worked with, and not simply read. It is a valuable resource for those that wish to make better decisions, in less time, with less stress.”
“An easy read, flows well, is clear, and very well thought out! I even love the cartoons and images!”
Customer Analysis & Training
Shirley provides specialized training for developing emotional brands and facilitating complex group decision-making in business.
With a focus on chakra principles to evaluate and enhance brand connectivity, Shirley collaborates on targeted research and strategic competitive analysis.
Discover our approach by downloading a sample of the Chakra Branding Masterclass.
About Shirley Desai & Team
About Shirley Desai & Team
Shirley Desai is an innovative marketing and brand consultant and an avid participant in the arts; a writer, filmmaker and musician. She is the author of 7 Connections to Happiness and Harmony, Decision Making Made Easy with Yoga’s 7 Chakras. Currently, she has taken the yogic Chakra framework and applied to an innovate way of creating emotional connections to company’s brands and marketing strategies. Previously, she worked as a Marketing Campaigns for Intel Corporation and directed the messaging for multi-million dollar campaigns. As Marketing Director for Remoba, a cellular phone applications company, she accepted the “Best Business Application” Award on behalf of the company. Shirley has also worked in various entrepreneurial efforts after writing her book. However after the Pandemic, Shirley decided to resume her study of the chakras and help companies build better brands.
In addition to her consulting work, she is working on a children’s adventure story series centered around Christmas As a filmmaker, she is beginning her journey after identifying a powerful manuscript which is in the process of being made into a film. She is an accomplished violinist and has been a member of the Peninsula Symphony, a San Francisco Bay Area local orchestra. She has a Bachelors and MBA from Indiana University, Kelley School of Business.

Shirley will be presenting at VC APAX on April 22nd, 2024
Shirley is featured on Futures TV on the AskDeb about Business Channel
And she is also featured on Futures TV for “Books and Authors”